The organization of the firm

Today, the firm counts on its qualified collaborators with economics and law degrees as well as a network of connections with leading national and international professional firms which operate in the legal and economic sectors. This guarantees clients complete confidence in the assistance they receive from the firm, including administrative, management and tax matters.

The firm also assists its clients in all accounting and tax matters, such as:

-      bookkeeping

-      establishment of the annual budget and accompanying reports

-      periodic and annual VAT requirements

-      periodic and annual tax substitute requirements

-      annual tax returns

-      any other fulfilment related to the nature of the taxable person





OIC 34: come le società emittenti devono contabilizzare i ricavi di vendita buoni pasto

Quando l’oggetto della fornitura è rappresentato



Come calcolare l'acconto IVA 2024

Si avvicina la scadenza del 27 dicembre