Firm and skills

The firm was founded in 2007 on the initiative of its owner, Dr. Vittorio Feresin, who wanted to use the experience he gained in many years of professional activity.

Dr. Vittorio Feresin, born in 1950, graduated from the Luigi Bocconi University of Milan in 1974 and qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1975. From then on he has been a member of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Varese.

From 1976 to 2006 he was a partner in leading consulting and auditing firms, where he gained experience in the fields of:


-      corporate assistance (incorporation, administrative and tax management)

-      extraordinary corporate transactions (mergers, demergers, liquidations, etc.)

-      acquisitions and disposals of companies and shareholdings

-      turnaround processes

-      assistance in the business crisis process

-      contracts

-      tax and fiscal assistance

-      tax disputes

He also obtained his specialisation in Planning, Programming and Operational Research at the Luigi Bocconi University of Milan, where he assisted companies in evolutionary and reorganizational processes.

In the course of his career he has been, and is currently, a reference professional for national and international corporate groups, as well as holding positions as director, auditor and statutory auditor in both companies and entities.

The studio is also a PROFESSIONAL PARTNER of "Il Sole 24 Ore".




Sostenibilità come valore aziendale: l'analisi dei commercialisti e del GBS

Il GBS (Gruppo Bilanci e Sostenibilità)



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In caso di donazione di somme di denaro



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